Example of command line argument in C on Linux
#include "stdio.h"
void main(int c, char *argv[])
int i;
printf("\nargument[%d] : %s",i,argv[i]);
void main(int c, char *argv[])
int i;
printf("\nargument[%d] : %s",i,argv[i]);
Example of command line argument in Java
public class args
public static void main(String args[])
for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++)
System.out.println("argument[ "+i+" ] : "+args[i]);
public static void main(String args[])
for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++)
System.out.println("argument[ "+i+" ] : "+args[i]);
AES with CBC mode example in Java
package bsr;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class AESCBC
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public AESCBC() throws Exception
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class AESCBC
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public AESCBC() throws Exception
AES with CFM mode example in Java
package bsr;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class AESCFM
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public AESCFM() throws Exception
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class AESCFM
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public AESCFM() throws Exception
AES with ECB mode example in Java
package bsr;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class AESECB
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public AESECB() throws Exception
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class AESECB
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public AESECB() throws Exception
3DES with CFM mode example in Java
package bsr;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class D3ESCFM
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public D3ESCFM() throws Exception
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class D3ESCFM
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public D3ESCFM() throws Exception
3DES with CBC mode example in Java
package bsr;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class D3ESCBC
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public D3ESCBC() throws Exception
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class D3ESCBC
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public D3ESCBC() throws Exception
3DES with ECB mode example in Java
package bsr;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class D3ESECB
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public D3ESECB() throws Exception
// Genrate the Key
keygenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DESede");
myDesKey = keygenerator.generateKey();
RSA Encryption Example in Java
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class RSA
public KeyPairGenerator keygenerator;
public KeyPair myKey;
Cipher c;
public RSA() throws Exception
// Genrate the Key
keygenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
keygenerator.initialize(1024) ;
myKey = keygenerator.generateKeyPair();
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
class RSA
public KeyPairGenerator keygenerator;
public KeyPair myKey;
Cipher c;
public RSA() throws Exception
// Genrate the Key
keygenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
keygenerator.initialize(1024) ;
myKey = keygenerator.generateKeyPair();
JSP JDBC Example
Develop a JSP Page to perform database driven operations like insert, Delete, Update and selection with table named Student having fields like StudId, Name, Address, result.
Create Table in Oracle / MySQL [ student ]
CREATE TABLE student (
Address VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL ,
result NUMBER( 8 ) NOT NULL
Address VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL ,
result NUMBER( 8 ) NOT NULL
example of preparedstatement in java
Create Table in MySql [ Employee ]
CREATE TABLE `wtad`.`Employee` (
`EmpId` INT( 4 ) NOT NULL ,
`Empname` VARCHAR( 15 ) NOT NULL ,
`Emp_desig` VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL ,
`Emp_J_Date` VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL ,
`Emp_Salary` INT( 8 ) NOT NULL
Create Table in Oracle [ Employee ]
example of page directive in jsp
<%@ page language="java" %>
<%@ page info="A code from www.BipinRupadiya.com" %>
<li><a href="import.jsp">Example of page directive import </a></li>
<li><a href="isThreadsafe.jsp">Example of page directive isThreadsafe </a></li>
<li><a href="jsp-forward.jsp">Example of page directive jsp-forward </a></li>
<li><a href="contentType.jsp">Example of page directive contentType </a></li>
<li><a href="errorPage.jsp">Example of page directive isErrorPage and errorPage </a></li>
<%@ page language="java" %>
<%@ page info="A code from www.BipinRupadiya.com" %>
<li><a href="import.jsp">Example of page directive import </a></li>
<li><a href="isThreadsafe.jsp">Example of page directive isThreadsafe </a></li>
<li><a href="jsp-forward.jsp">Example of page directive jsp-forward </a></li>
<li><a href="contentType.jsp">Example of page directive contentType </a></li>
<li><a href="errorPage.jsp">Example of page directive isErrorPage and errorPage </a></li>
example of jsp scripting elements
<!-- Declaration -->
int i=0;
int n=10;
int ans=0;
<!-- Declaration -->
int i=0;
int n=10;
int ans=0;
Example of requestdispatcher
JSTL standard tag library Example
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>
<TITLE>WTAD: Ex31 : www.BipinRupadiya.com</TITLE>
<h3>Example of JSTL standard tag library.</h3>
<li><a href="set.jsp">set, remove and out</a></li>
<!-- Example of c:for -->
<li><a href="for.jsp">for</a></li>
<!-- Example of c:if -->
<li><a href="if.jsp">if</a></li>
<!-- Example of c:choose -->
<li><a href="choose.jsp">choose</a></li>
<!-- Example of c:redirect and c:param -->
<li><a href="redirect.jsp">redirect</a></li>
<TITLE>WTAD: Ex31 : www.BipinRupadiya.com</TITLE>
<h3>Example of JSTL standard tag library.</h3>
<li><a href="set.jsp">set, remove and out</a></li>
<!-- Example of c:for -->
<li><a href="for.jsp">for</a></li>
<!-- Example of c:if -->
<li><a href="if.jsp">if</a></li>
<!-- Example of c:choose -->
<li><a href="choose.jsp">choose</a></li>
<!-- Example of c:redirect and c:param -->
<li><a href="redirect.jsp">redirect</a></li>
DES with CBC mode example in Java
class DESCBC
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public DESCBC() throws Exception
// Genrate the Key
keygenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
keygenerator.init(new SecureRandom());
myDesKey = keygenerator.generateKey();
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public DESCBC() throws Exception
// Genrate the Key
keygenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
keygenerator.init(new SecureRandom());
myDesKey = keygenerator.generateKey();
DES with CFM mode example in Java
class DESCFM
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public DESCFM() throws Exception
// Genrate the Key
keygenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
keygenerator.init(new SecureRandom());
myDesKey = keygenerator.generateKey();
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
public IvParameterSpec iv;
public DESCFM() throws Exception
// Genrate the Key
keygenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
keygenerator.init(new SecureRandom());
myDesKey = keygenerator.generateKey();
DES with ECB mode example in Java
import bsr.*;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
class DESECB
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
class DESECB
public KeyGenerator keygenerator;
public SecretKey myDesKey;
Cipher c;
One Time Pad Encryption Example using Java code
Write a programs to simulate encryption and decryption technique using One Time Pad, algorithm development and Communication between client and server should be done using Java server socket programming.
package bsr;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class OneTimePad
public String doEncryption(String s)
int i,j;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class OneTimePad
public String doEncryption(String s)
int i,j;
S-Box Example using Java
Write a programs to simulate encryption and decryption technique using S-Box, algorithm development and Communication between client and server will be done using Java server socket programming.
package bsr;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class SBOX
public String doEncryption(String s)// throws Exception
int i,temp;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class SBOX
public String doEncryption(String s)// throws Exception
int i,temp;
P-Box Example using Java
Write a programs to simulate encryption and decryption technique using P-Box, algorithm development and Communication between client and server will be done using Java server socket programming.
package bsr;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class PBOX
public String doEncryption(String s)
int i,temp;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class PBOX
public String doEncryption(String s)
int i,temp;
Transposition cipher example using Java
Write a programs to simulate encryption and decryption technique using Transposition (Columnar) Cipher, algorithm development and Communication between client and server will be done using Java server socket programming.
package bsr;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class TranspositionCipher
public String selectedKey;
public char sortedKey[];
public int sortedKeyPos[];
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class TranspositionCipher
public String selectedKey;
public char sortedKey[];
public int sortedKeyPos[];
Mono-alphabetic Substitution Cipher example using Java
Write a programs to simulate encryption and decryption technique using Mono-alphabetic Substitution Cipher, algorithm development and Communication between client and server will be done using Java server socket programming.
package bsr;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class MonoAlphabeticSubstitutionCipher
public char p[] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'};
public char ch[] = {'Q','W','E','R','T','Y','U','I','O','P','A','S','D','F','G','H','J','K','L','Z','X','C','V','B','N','M'};
public String doEncryption(String s)
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class MonoAlphabeticSubstitutionCipher
public char p[] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'};
public char ch[] = {'Q','W','E','R','T','Y','U','I','O','P','A','S','D','F','G','H','J','K','L','Z','X','C','V','B','N','M'};
public String doEncryption(String s)
Generalized Caesar Cipher example using java
Write a programs to simulate encryption and decryption using Caesar Cipher. algorithm development and Communication between client and server is done using Java socket programming.
package bsr;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class CaesarCipher
char a[] = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z', 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'};
int key=3;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
/*A code from www.bipinrupadiya.com*/
public class CaesarCipher
char a[] = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z', 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'};
int key=3;
java socket programming example
In the era of network programming means write such a script
that can be executed on multiple computers / platform. In J2SE, a package
java.net provide the number of API that can be used to write code for the
communication between multiple computers / platforms. The java.net package of
J2SE provide the sport for two important protocol of the network that is TCP
and UDP.
The Socket in java provide the way of communication between
two or more computers using Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Here we have socket on
both side at Client as well as server. A client socket try to communicate to
server socket. If everything is fine server accept the connection and
communication process begin.
Here I am going to demonstrate a simple example of server socket programming. I have created a java package bsr and my class that have the definition of socket MySocket.java is placed inside this package.
I have also created two more class to simulate the behavior of client and server namely sender and receiver. I used plain text editor to create my script.
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Blog Archive
- Example of command line argument in C on Linux
- Example of command line argument in Java
- AES with CBC mode example in Java
- AES with CFM mode example in Java
- AES with ECB mode example in Java
- 3DES with CFM mode example in Java
- 3DES with CBC mode example in Java
- 3DES with ECB mode example in Java
- RSA Encryption Example in Java
- JSP JDBC Example
- example of preparedstatement in java
- example of page directive in jsp
- example of jsp scripting elements
- Example of requestdispatcher
- JSTL standard tag library Example
- DES with CBC mode example in Java
- DES with CFM mode example in Java
- DES with ECB mode example in Java
- One Time Pad Encryption Example using Java code
- S-Box Example using Java
- P-Box Example using Java
- Transposition cipher example using Java
- Mono-alphabetic Substitution Cipher example using ...
- Generalized Caesar Cipher example using java
- java socket programming example
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