RDBMS question bank as per GTU MCA new syllabus
Subject Name: Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
Subject Code: 619404
1. Define following definitions
Database, B. Data, C. Database Management System (DBMS), D. Database System
2. Draw Simplified database system environment diagram
and explain DBMS Functionality
3. Explain Main Characteristics of the Database Approach
4. Explain Types of Database Users in details
Actors on the scene
Actors behind the Scene
5. Explain advantages of the Database Approach
6. Define the following terms:
database, DBMS, database system, database catalog, program-data independence,
user view, DBA, end user
7. What four main types of actions involve databases?
Briefly discuss each.
8. Discuss the main characteristics of the database
approach and how it differs from traditional file systems.
9. What are the responsibilities of the DBA and the
database designers?
10. What are the different types of database end users?
Discuss the main activities of each.
11. Discuss the capabilities that should be provided by a
12. What is Data Model? Explain Categories of Data
Define the terms, B. Database Schema, C. Schema Diagram, D. Database State,
Initial Database State, F. Valid State
13. Explain Deference between Database Schema vs. State
14. Explain Three-Schema Architecture in detail
15. What is Data Independence explain in detail
16. Explain DBMS Languages in detail
17. Explain DBMS Interfaces in detail
18. Explain Classification of DBMSs in detail.
19. Explain Centralized and Client-Server DBMS
20. What is the difference between logical data
independence and physical data independence? Which one is harder to achieve?
21. Discuss the different types of user-friendly
interfaces and the types of users who typically use each.
22. With what other computer system software does a DBMS
23. What is the difference between the two-tier and
three-tier client/server architectures?
1. What is
Entities & Attributes in ER Model and explain Types of Attributes
2. List, draw and explain notation/symbols of ER diagrams
with example
3. Draw an ER diagram for COMPANY database schema by
following instruction
The database will store each EMPLOYEE’s social security number, address,
salary, sex, and birthdate.
Each employee works for one department but may work on several projects.
The DB will keep track of the number of hours per week that an employee
currently works on each project.
It is required to keep track of the direct supervisor of each employee.
Each employee may have a number of DEPENDENTs.
For each dependent, the DB keeps a record of name, sex, birthdate, and
relationship to the employee.
4.What is relationship in ER diagram? Explain following
terms related to relationship
relationship type, (b). relationship set (c). Constraints on Relationships
5. Draw and UML class diagram for COMPANY database schema
by following instruction bellow
The database will store each EMPLOYEE’s social security number, address,
salary, sex, and birthdate.
Each employee works for one department but may work on several projects.
The DB will keep track of the number of hours per week that an employee
currently works on each project.
It is required to keep track of the direct supervisor of each employee.
Each employee may have a number of DEPENDENTs.
For each dependent, the DB keeps a record of name, sex, birthdate, and relationship
to the employee.
6. What is an entity type? What is an entity set? Explain
the differences among an entity, an entity type, and an entity set
7. Explain the attribute and a value set.
8. What is meant by a recursive relationship type? Give
some examples of recursive relationship types.
1. Explain Informal Design Guidelines for Relational
2. What is insert, update and delete Anomalies? Explain
it in detail.
3. What is Spurious Tuples? Explain with example.
4. What is Functional Dependencies (FD)? Explain it in
5. Explain General Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys in
6. Explain Super Key, Candidate Key and Primary Key in
7. Explain Primary Key, Foreign Key and Alternate Key in
8. Explain General Normal Form Definitions using Multiple
9. Explain Boyce-Codd normal form in detail.
10.Explain Multivalued Dependencies (MVD) and Fourth
Normal Form.
1. Write Formal Definitions of - Schema, Tuple, Domain,
2. Explain Characteristics of Relations.
3. Explain database Constraints in detail.
4. Explain Relational Integrity Constraints in detail.
5. Explain, what is Relational Database State and
Populated database state?
6. what is Transaction? Explain transaction processing.
7. what is Transaction? Explain Why Concurrency Control
is needed?
8. Explain Transaction Concurrency in detail.
9. What is Recovery? Why Recovery is Needed?
10.What is Transaction? Explain Transaction states with
11.Explain DBMS Buffer Replacement Policies.
12.Explain Desirable Properties of Transactions.
13 Explain ACID properties of Transactions.
14.Explain Characterizing Schedules Based on
15.Explain Characterizing Schedules Based on
16.Explain, How Serializability is Used for Concurrency
17. Explain View Equivalence and View Serializability in
schedules of transaction
1. What is SQL? Explain DDL, DML, DCL and TQL
2. Explain DDL commands in detail.
3. Explain DML commands in detail.
4. Explain DQL commands in detail.
5. Explain TCL commands in detail.
6. What is constraints and how to define various
7. Explain Primary key, foreign key constraints with
8. Explain check and default constraints with example.
9. Explain SQL operator in detail with example.
10. Explain built in SQL functions with example.
11. Explain aggregate functions SQL functions with
12. Explain numeric SQL functions with example.
13. Explain string SQL functions with example.
14. Explain set operations with example.
15. What is subqueries explain it with example.
16. Explain use of group by, having and order by SQL
17. What is join? Explain Type of join with example.
18. What is View? Explain type of view.
19. Explain transaction control commands – Commit,
Rollback, Savepoint.
1. What is PLSQL block? Explain with example.
2. What is Stored Procedure? Explain with example.
3. What is Function? Explain with example.
4. What is Package? Explain with example.
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