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                  As per the request of all my students community, I have tried my best to arrange all the important GTU Question Papers's questions of Mobile Computing or Android subject of MCA (Master of Computer Application ) Semester 5, Gujarat Technological University. I have arrange all these question Unit wise as well as the GTU Academic Year wise in which those were asked in GTU examination.

GTU Mobile Computing Question Bank

Unit-1 Introduction to Android

  1. Explain Android platform architecture. 07
JUNE -2012
  1. Comment “Android is hailed as the first complete, open, and free mobile platform”: 2
  2. What is AVD? 02
  3. Explain Android platform architecture with diagram. 07
  1. Explain Android software stack in detail. 7
  2. List and describe in detail Android development tools.07

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  1. Explain Android software stack in detail. 07
  2. List and describe in detail Android development tools. 07

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  1. Why there are less chances of device corruption with Android Applications? 2
  2. What is the role of hardware abstraction layer(HAL)? 2
  3. Explain with diagram the Android platform architecture. 3

Unit-2 Android Application Design Essentials

  1. What is the use of <activity> tag and <intent-filter> tag. 07
  2. Explain the lifecycle of Android Activity. 07
  3. Explain the use of following helpful methods of android.util.Log class 7
    • Log.e() 
    • Log.w() 
    • Log.i() 
    • Log.d() 
    • Log.v()
  4. Explain the following color formats. 4
    1. #RGB
    2. #ARGB
    3. #RRGGBB
    4. #AARRGGBB

JUNE -2012

  1. List image formats supported in Android 02
  2. What is the use of the strings.xml file? 02
  3. Define: Context, Activity 02
  4. Explain life cycle of android activity with suitable diagram 07
  5. What is AndroidManifest.xml file? What kind of information is stored in it? Explain structure of it. 7
  6. What are resources? List different types of resources with required directory filename and xml tag. 7


  1. Draw and explain Activity Life cycle of an Android application. 7
  2. Describe six components of an Android application. 7
  3. What is Intent? How are they used to Broadcast and Receive Events? 7


  1. The resources are stored in which directory? Which resource types are supported by Android SDK? 7
  2. Explain the lifecycle of the Android activity. 07
  3. Which methods of the android.util.Log class can be used to add logging support to Android application? 7


  1. Draw and explain Activity Life cycle of an Android application. 07
  2. Describe six components of an Android application. 07
  3. Describe different types of Drawable resources with example. 07
  4. What is Intent? How are they used to Broadcast and Receive Events? 07


  1. What is Intent? How can Intent include two extra piece of information – a string value and a Boolean value? 04
  2. Where and which tag is used by developers to specify which versions of Android platform an application supports? Explain the three attributes associated with that tag. 3
  3. Explain the use of following Android Tools. 4
    • Dalvik Debug Monitor Server
    • Android Debug Bridge
  4. What will the following lines do and also explain the parameters passed. 3
    • Log.i(DEBUG_TAG,”MyfirstAndroidApp is running”);
    • Log.e(DEBUG_TAG,”application failed”,e)
  5. How a primary entry point activity can be designated for an Android application? 4
  6. What are default resources and what are alternative resources? Explain the Android mechanism for loading the appropriate resources at run time? How color resource, dimension resource, drawable resource can be added and retrieved? What data structure will be used for defining three types of flavors – vanilla, chocolate, strawberry? 7


  1. How can an Android application use the String, Boolean and Integer resources programmatically? Show the use of method only. 3
  2. Explain the important callbacks of the Activity class in Android Application. 07
  3. How can an application start activity with startActivity() method with an explicit intent? Explain with line of code. 2
  4. Explain the line of code that create an intent Filter and register it within Android Manifest file? 2
  5. How an additional data can be included in Intent? 3
  6. Explain the important Android Project Files and Directories. 07
  7. What is the use of Run Configurations and Debug configurations? 2
  8. What lines should be written in Android application to force a new unhandled error? 2
  9. Which methods are available to add logging support to Android Application? 3

Unit-3 Android User Interface Design Essentials


  1. For what purpose Chronometer is used? Explain the Chronometer object’s format attribute and explain the different methods associated with Chronometer. 07
  2. Explain the Different tweening Transformation. 07
  3. How can you Data-Binding to the Gallery Control? 07
  4. Which method and attribute is used to set image of ImageView? 3
  5. Write a code to create animation given as below: 7
    • Duration for animation is 5000.
    • Take one rectangle (set it in to ImageView as src)
    • Now translate it in X direction with rotation.
    • Up to half time, shrink the rectangle than grow it for remaining time.
    • During this whole animation, set its transparency 4 times. (Means make the rectangle 2 times light and 2 times dark)
  6. What is menu? Which two types of menu available in Android? 04
  7. Explain different types of Dialogs. 07
  8. List the data driven containers. For what purpose ListView control is used? Which is the base class and list the methods available 7

JUNE -2012

  1. What is notification? How it is differ from Toast? 02
  2. Define: Style, theme 02
  3. Explain animation supported by Android taking suitable example 07 
  4. Differentiate: 7
    • Context Menu and Option Menu
    • List and Spinner
    • ViewFlipper and ViewSwitcher
  5. Write detailed note on different types of layouts 07
  6. Explain with code snippet Gallery view? How it is differ from Image View? 07
  7. What is uses of following widgets and list its important properties and event 7
    • Progressbar
    • SeekBar
    • RatingBar
    • VideoView
    • Chronometer
    • ImageView
    • ToggleButton


  1. Explain context menu with example. 07
  2. Describe different types of Drawable resources with example. 07
  3. Explain different types of Animation in Android. 07
  4. Explain how to apply Style and Theme to User Interface. 07
  5. Give an example to show use of Progress Bar. 07
  6. Give an example to show Alert Dialog. 07


  1. How many permissions Android application has by default? What should be added, where, to gain access to the built in camera? 4
  2. What special permission is needed to access the private user information provided by the Contacts content provider? Also write the code to start reading contact data from Contacts application.3
  3. What is the difference between AutoCompleteTextView and MultiAutoCompleteTextView? Show how to provide an AutoCompleteTextView for the user that can help them type some of the basic colors from an array in the code. Also show the layout resource definition for this AutoCompleteTextView control. 7
  4. Explain the setFilters() method that can be used with EditText control.4
  5. How indicator progress status can be set programmatically? 3
  6. Which methods can be used with Chronometer object? 4
  7. Explain onCreateContextMenu() and registerForContextMenu() methods. 3
  8. Explain the key methods that Activity must use to manage a Dialog. 07
  9. Explain TableLayout and TableRow view attributes. 7
  10. Write an outline code to show frame by frame animation. Load 2 Bitmap resources and create AnimationDrawable. What is the purpose of setOneShot() method. 7
  11. Explain the four different tweening transformations. 7


  1. Explain context menu with example. 07
  2. Explain different types of Animation in Android. 07
  3. Explain how to apply Style and Theme to User Interface. 07
  4. Give an example to show use of Rating Bar. 07
  5. Give an example to show DatePicker Dialog. 07


  1. Which layout is called to be horizontally oriented LinearLayout? Explain the following view attributes and also mention this attribute is applied to whom?  a.) android:collapseColumns b.) android:layout_span 4
  2. What lines should be written to programmatically create green rectangle?03
  3. Write a code snippet that clears entire RadioGroup so that none of the RadioButton objects are selected. 3
  4. Explain the two clock controls available to display the current time. 4
  5. What attribute of the SeekBar should be defined in XML layout resource definition so that the user can drag the thumb to any value between 0 and 250? Which method should be used to show what exact value has been selected by the user? 3
  6. Explain with code snippet creation of the options menu and how to handle the event when a menu option item is selected? 7
  7. Explain the key methods that an Activity must use to manage a Dialog. Write the steps involved in adding the dialog to an activity. 7
  8. Explain with code snippet creation of context menu for Chronometer control and how to handle the ContextMenu clicks? 7
  9. Which methods should be used to load 2 Bitmap resources and to start animation in case of Frame-by-Frame Animation? Which method should be used to loop continuously for animation? 7
  10. Write XML resource file excerpts for following. 7
    • Transparency change animation taking 10 seconds to fade in fully  transparent to fully opaque.
    • Scaling animation, taking 5 seconds to double an object’s size, pivoting from the center of the object.
    • Translate animation, taking 5 seconds to move an object up by 100 on the y axis and object should not jump back to its starting position when the animation finishes.
  11. For what purpose animation interpolator is used? How it can be specified programmatically? 3
  12. What is the use of Adapter object in Android sdk. Explain ArrayAdapter in detail.


  1. Write the code example of an AutoCompleteTextView that can help user to type month names from an array. 4
  2. Write the XML file excerpts for the following. 7
    • Translate animation, taking 7 seconds to move an object up by 100 on y axis.
    • Transparency change animation, taking 7 seconds to fade from fully transparent to fully opaque.
    • Rotation animation, taking 7 seconds to make one full clockwise rotation, pivoting from the center of the object.
  3. Explain with example how permission can be granted for shared resources or privileged access? 4
  4. What is the use of <permission> tag? Where permission can be enforced? 3
  5. Which types of progress bar does Android SDK provide? 2
  6. How to set the indicator progress status programmatically? 2
  7. What line of code need to be written to place indeterminate progress indicator on activity screen? 3
  8. Write a code example that creates context menu for the Chronometer control. Also explain how to handle the ContextMenu clicks in the Activity. 7
  9. For what purpose FrameLayout view is designed? Explain the important FrameLayout View attributes. 7
  10. What is the purpose of Canvas and Paint object? Which methods should be used to set paint color to red, paint style to STROKE? Also write the code example to draw circle with linear gradient. 7
  11. Explain the steps involved in frame by frame animation. 07

Unit-4 Using Common Android APIs


  1. Explain the use of ContentValues to insert the record and Which four arguments are taken by update()? 03
  2. Explain the use of WebView control to load content from a specific website. 3
  3. Explain the following methods. 04
    • PhoneNumberUtils.formatNumber()
    • SmsManager.getDefault()
  4. What do you mean by Androides Android’s Content Providers? List Out the Useful Built-In Content Providers and explain any two of them. 7

JUNE -2012

  1. What is shared preferences? Explain methods for create, search, read, add, update and delete shared preference? 07
  2. What is SQLite Databse? Explain methods for creating, updating, and deleting and querying database records 07
  3. List permission required for following task 7
    • Send SMS
    • To access phone state Information
    • Add contact details
    • Write file to SD Card
    • To access online URL
    • To dial number
    • Read contacts
  4. What is content provider? List useful built-in content providers with its purpose and explain any one of them in details 07
  5. What is WebView? How can we load content into WebView? How can we handle WebView events? 7
  6. Write code snippet for following 7
    • Sending an SMS
    • Dial a number


  1. Explain Media Store Content Provider with example. 07
  2. Describe Telephony API of Android and the classes used for the same? 07
  3. What are Content providers? How do you create your own content provider in Android? 7
  4. How is Handler class used for Background thread processing? 7
  5. Describe the process of Creating, Saving and then Retrieving Shared Preferences. 7
  6. Describe Web-API of Android and classes used for the same. 7


  1. How ContentValues object can be used to insert firstname and lastname in authors table? 4
  2. What is needed by the application to send an SMS? 3
  3. Explain with example how SQLiteQueryBuilder can be used to build and execute INNER JOIN between two tables? 7
  4. Write line of code that must be inserted in Activity to read a fixed amount of text from a file on a web server. 7
  5. Explain with example how SQL UNION query can be executed with rawQuery() method? 7


  1. Explain Media Store Content Provider with example. 07
  2. Describe the process of Creating, Saving and then Retrieving User Shared Preferences. 7
  3. Describe Web-API of Android and classes used for the same. 07
  4. What are Content providers? How do you create your own content provider in Android? 7
  5. How is Handler class used for Background thread processing? 07
  6. Describe SMS API of Android and the classes used for the same? 07
  7. Explain how to use WebView control to load content from a specific website? What should be written to render raw HTML to webview control? 7


  1. Explain insert(),update() and delete() methods of SQLiteDatabase class. 07
  2. How content can be loaded into WebView control in the following 3 cases 7
    • To load content from a specific web site.
    • To load an HTML file
    • To render raw HTML.
  3. What permission is needed and how to specify that for the following? 4
    • To access the private user information provided by the Contacts content provider.
    • For networking to work in any Android application.
  4. Explain the block of code that show how to query for the call state and all possible values. 3
  5. Which methods of ConnectivityManager class should be used to determine if cellular and WiFi network is available and connected? 4


  1. Explain how SQLite database can be created in Android application using the Application Context. 4
  2. How ContentValues object can be used to insert new data to table? 3
  3. Write a code example that reads some data from a website if web address of that data is provided. 4
  4. Which are the built in useful content providers in Android? 3
  5. How to retrieve the state of the phone and which permission is needed to access basic phone state information? 3
  6. How content can be loaded into a WebView control? Include loading of content from a specific website or render raw HTML. 7

Unit-5 Deploying Android Application to the World


  1. Which steps are required for publishing an Android application? 7

JUNE -2012

  • None


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  1. What steps are required for publishing an application? 4
  2. Which fields need to be entered in the form while uploading the application package? 3


  • None


  1. Which steps are required for publishing an application and guaranteed successful deployment? 7


  1. Which steps are required for a developer to prepare an Android application for publication and distribution? 4

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