GTU 3640015 Android Programming sample Question Bank
Master in Computer Application
Subject Name: Android Programming
Subject Code: 3640015
Sample Question Bank
UNIT - 1
Chapter-1- What is android?
- Explain Android SDK feature
- What is OHA? explain in detail
- Explain Android software stack in detail.
- Explain with diagram the Android platform architecture.
- The Dalvik Virtual Machine
- Explain hardware abstraction layer(HAL)
- List and describe in detail Android development tools (ADT)
- Write steps to create AVD (Android Virtual Device)
- Write steps to create Android Application
- Explain Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (DDBMS)
- Explain Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
- Explain Hierarchy Viewer and Lint Tool
- Explain Monkey and Monkey Runner android Tool
- What makes an Android Application?
- Describe components of an Android application.
- Android Manifest File and its common settings in detail
- What are resources? Explain different types of resources in detail.
- Explain the Android Application Lifecycle with Lifecycle Events?
- Explain the lifecycle of Android Activity Lifecycle Events.
UNIT - 2
Chapter-4- Explain types of XML Layout to Create User Interfaces
- What is Fragment? Explain Fragment lifecycle event
- Explain Fragment Transactions in detail
- Explain any Five ANDROID WIDGET
- What is VIEW? Explain Creating and modifying Views?
- What is Adapters? Explain types of Native Adapters with Example
- Explain How to create custom Views
- Explain Types of intent with example
- Explain Linkify
- Explain Pending Intents in details.
- Explain Broadcast Receivers in detail
- What is Sticky Intents? Explain how to Broadcasting Sticky Intents
- Explain Native Android Intent Actions
- Explain Intent Filters to Service Implicit Intents
- Explain how to listen Native Broadcast Intents
- Explain Listening for Battery Changes
- Explain Listening for Connectivity Changes
- Explain XML Parsing Using the XML Pull Parser
- Explain Download Manager
UNIT - 3
Chapter-7- Explain persistence data storage techniques available in android
- What is Shared Preferences? Explain how to read, write and Search in Shared Preferences
- Explain Creating Private Application Files
- Explain any Five file related function
- What is SQLite write a short note on it
- What is Cursor? Explain methods of Cursor class
- Explain SQLite Open Helper with example
- Explain Opening and Creating Databases with the SQLite Open Helper
- Explain Opening and Creating Databases without the SQLite Open Helper
- Explain how to Query, insert, update and delete rows from Database?
- What is Content Provider? Explain step to create Content Providers?
- Explain How to Store Files in a Content Provider
- What is Content Provider? Several native Content Providers?
- Explain Media Store Content Provider using example
- Explain Contacts Contract Content Provider using example
- Explain How to Creating and Pick Contacts Using Intents?
- Explain Calendar Content Provider using example
- Explain Browser Content Provider using example
- Explain CallLog Content Provider using example
- What is service? Explain Service Life Cycle.
- Explain Type of Services
- Explain Restart Behavior of Android Service
- What is AsyncTask? Explain it in detail.
- Explain Alarm Service of Android.
- List and Explain Types of Alarm.
UNIT - 4
Chapter-10- What is ActionBar? Explain any five method of it?
- Explain How to Disabling the Action Bar
- Explain Types of Menu Available in Android
- Explain Option Menu with Example
- Explain Context Menu with Example
- Explain Popup Menu with Example
- Explain add() of Menu
- Explain various Menu Item Options
- Explain types of Dialog available in android
- Explain Alert Dialog in detail
- Explain how to view Activity as Dialog?
- What is Toast? Explain How to customize it?
- Explain Drawable resource types in detail
- Explain Shape Drawables in detail
- Explain Gradient Drawables in detail
- Explain Types of Animation available in Android
- Explain Tweened Animations with Example
- Explain Frame Animations with Example
- Explain Interpolated Property Animations with Example
- List and Explain Supported Android Sensors
- Explain how to Monitoring Sensors using SensorEventListener
- Explain how to monitor a device's movement and orientation
- What is Natural Orientation of a Device in android?
- Explain available location provider in detail?
- Explain how to find location provider by specifying criteria?
- Explain how to find the Last Known Location of device?
UNIT - 5
Chapter-15- What is Media Player in android? Explain transitions through the state machine.
- Explain how to play audio using Media Player
- Explain VideoView in detail
- Explain Recording Sound with Audio Record
- Explain Playing Sound with Audio Track
- Explain how to take picture from Camera in android?
- Explain how to record video using an Intent?
- Explain how to record Video using Media Recorder?
- Explain how to add media to MediaStore?
- What is TelephonyManager? explain its use in detail
- Explain how to replace the Native Dialer
- Explain how to Monitoring Changes in Phone State
- Explain how to Monitoring Incoming Phone Calls
- Explain how to Track Cell Location Changes
- Explain how to Track Service Changes
- Explain how to Send SMS
- Explain how to Send MMS
- Explain how to Send SMS Using the SMS Manager
- Explain how to Track and Confirm SMS Message Delivery
- Explain how to Send Data Messages
- Explain how to Listen or read Incoming SMS Messages
- Write steps to Signing applications
- Write steps to publishing applications
- Discuss application marketing, promotion and distribution strategies
- What is monetizing in android application?
Text Book:
- Reto Meier Professional ANDROID 4 Application Development, WROX Latest Edition
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