postheadericon FON Practical

Subject Name: Programming Skills – VI (FON)
Subject Code: 640011

List of Practicals:

  1. Framing Techniques 
  2. Error Detection and Correction Techniques 
    • Single Bit Parity
    • Block Parity
    • Checksum
    • CRC Checksum
    • Hamming Code
    • Note: Students may be asked to simulate different noise scenarios like single bit corruption, multi-bit corruption, etc, and check whether the receiver, using the given error detection/correction technique, is able to detect/correct the error. 
  3. All Data Link Layer Protocols 
    • Protocol 1
    • Protocol 2
    • Protocol 3
    • Protocol 4
    • Protocol 5
    • Protocol 6 
    • Note: 
      • Provide Solution as per Main reference Book
      • Protocols 1, 2 and 3 may be asked to be implemented completely. 
      • Programs based on protocol 4, 5, and 6 may be asked in a way that a small feature like retransmission timer, or NACK or sliding window to be implemented. 
      • Entire protocol programs must not be asked for protocol 4, 5 and 6. 
  4. Cryptography (Without using Java Security/Cryptography Packages) 
  5. Cryptography (using Java Security/Cryptography Packages) 

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